Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunny Sunday - 1 week to go

I love weekends.  It's a great time to relax, unwind, do useless things around the house, watch Ridiculousness (LOL), and get caught up on work.  This time of year the weather in Salt Lake is glorious and it's so great to enjoy the sunshine and fabulous weather.

As I reflect back to last week with it's flurry of appointments, Friday made me smile.  Friday morning started out with me going to St. Marks to have radiology look at the port to be sure it's okay.  Steve, Anne, and Josh were all there and let me know that they, "were still talking about me in there".  They asked if I needed some "drugs" while they took off the dressing (smile).  Funny funny funny... it's so important to laugh.  Josh removed the old bandage and left it off the top incision and rewrapped the bottom one (with the port under it).  I didn't have to see it which is good because I'm such a chicken.  They said it looked great which was enough for me.  Today, I finally got brave and unwrapped it myself because it was kind of tight and itchy.  It was time.

I looked in the mirror and discovered it was not quite as monstrous as I imagined; looked pretty okay actually.  I have an appointment on Friday, 6/8 to go back and have them take out the stitches.  I'm glad I have the extra week to heal up.  I also opened up the manual because I didn't really understand how this thing works and it was kind of creeping me out a little.  Looking at the picture, it makes sense.  I'm glad that I have a port so I don't have to get stuck every single time I go in to the doctor now.

Diagram of Power Port
After I took off the dressing today :-)

I took a trip up to Huntsman Cancer Institute this morning to visit a friend from Elko.  She is beating lung cancer and has done a helluva job at it for the past year basically shrinking out the tumor(s) with chemo and stuff.  She is so inspiring, beautiful, brave and positive.  At 35, with 5 children ages 4 - 19, she lives life with energy and force that most people don't even come close to having.  I am so happy I got to see her and visit for awhile.  She's been there for 9 days and gets to go home tomorrow probably, after they take a couple of tubes out of her and do a couple more CT scans.  Her doctors are fabulous and she follows their directions and takes care of herself so she is healing well.  It is so cool!

Today is a beautiful sunny Sunday.  I am excited for each day next week that takes me one day closer to my cure.

1 comment:

  1. That thing is kinda creepin' ME out, and I'm just looking at the illustration! You are one brave chiquita. Glad you enjoyed a beautiful Sunday. I worked. :( Stupid library being open on Sundays...
