Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Super Scanxious

I got home from our vacation (cruise from Venice to Barcelona) on Sunday night at 7:30PM, 11/24.  Yesterday, went to work and was super tired (jet lag) mid-day so came home for a nap.  On the way home, I checked my voice mail and there were 12 messages on there.  I hadn't checked my voice mails during the 11 days I was in Europe.  Had a message from my surgeon whom I was supposed to meet with today (11/26, my birthday) from Monday last week the 18th asking me to call her.  Shoot!  I figured that there was an issue with my CT scan I had in early Nov.  Why would the doctor personally call if there was nothing wrong?  There must be something wrong…. what was it?

I tried calling her back but since it was 2:30 and she was in surgery I ended up talking to the MA who didn't see any notes.  Bottom line, had to wait until this morning to find out the news.  Shoot!  Needless to say, I didn't sleep well.  I was thinking about what could be wrong, what the issue was, what my outcome would be.  I truly hoped maybe she was just going to reschedule my appointment because she was going out of town for Thanksgiving.  Or, perhaps the CT was not good or something.  

I arrived early for my 9:15 am appointment.  Got there at 8:50.  She was late and didn't come in my room until 9:45 wouldn't you know it.  I was trying so hard not to worry and fret about what she was going to tell me.  The result was that my scan showed 2 spots on my liver.  Ahhhh……. Thank goodness! At least now I knew.  I was sort of relieved because I knew that my two previous scans, one six months ago and the one 10 months prior to that in May 2012, I had those spots which were not a huge concern, just something to keep an eye on. And, they didn't light up on the PET so maybe I don't need to worry.  I had this CT at a different place so we needed more info to rule out any issues and the doctor needed to get the other scans to compare to this recent one to see if these were new "spots", or the same old "spots".   This would take about 3 - 4 hours to get the comparisons.  Shoot!

It is now 4:45 PM as I type this and I still hadn't heard from the surgeon.  I know she's super busy.  I hated to call and bug but did it anyway on the way home from work (early because it's my birthday today).  I wanted to make sure that I followed up just in case she needed to prod the other doctor about it before the holiday. 

Sure enough, I just got the call…….. The spots are "stable"!!!  Thank goodness.  Happy birthday me!!!