Monday, June 25, 2012

Beginning of week #3

Today I had my 15 day follow up blood test, called Nader. I had my 11th radiation session (not that I'm counting or anything) and walked across the lobby to get my blood drawn (from my port). I was interested to see how low the count was. Here's the rundown of it: white blood count 3.6 (avg 4.2-10.5), red blood count 3.93 (avg 4.04-5.48), HGB was normal range at 12.7 (avg 12.0-16.0), HCT 37.4 (avg 38.0-48.0), platelet count 94 (avg 140-450). There were a few more on the print out provided when I asked if she'd write it down for me. Basically I am doing great and the counts are not alarmingly low. Nothing to worry about and I can rebuild from here until the next chemo treatment on July 9th. The effects of both chemo and radiation are cumulative so I'm preparing for the worst and expecting the best just as I have done from the beginning which seems to be working out for me. So far I'm feeling really good, working everyday, and I stil have hair. Happy day!


  1. hey you awesome thing! way to go. I am glad you're sharing this with us all... you are, as always, in my heart,
    you are amazing.
    susan :)

  2. Geez, you're gonna be done with this in no time! Sounds like things are progressing normally and you've still got a great positive attitude. And, having hair still IS fantastic. :) Keeping you in my thoughts every darn day...keep up the good work! Love ya!


  3. Yay Cath... you WILL sail through this, and one day it'll be a crazy bad dream in the past. I love you today ~ and always. Looking forward to seeing you soon! Peg
